4m History of the Classical
Trivium is the history of the Great Chain of
Being, useful in shaping cultures. The Great Chain of Being is
defined in classical terms.
5m The concept of “balanced” government and civil society
itself, The Ominous Continuity of the “education” system we know as
6m The changing of terms as a means of gaining power over
unwitting minds
Article 29: 1. Everyone has duties to the community in which
alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be
subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely
for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the
rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements
of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic
Article 30: Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as
implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any
activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of
the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
14m Logical foundation of Negative Rights,
Irrational foundation of Positive Rights
16m Scott
Buchannan quote on the Classical Trivium to create Organic
Unity, Cardinal and Ordinal structures of the story (Buchannan was
a Rhodes Scholar)
17m Definitions: The Auctors, The Polis, The Polity, Episcopal,
hierarchical structures of authorities, Anglicanism (Church of
18m Comparison and Contrast the Trivium Method vs.
the Classical Trivium, 7 Liberal Arts, Plato, Aristotle,
educational philosophy and Isocrates,
encyclopedia (n.) 1530s, "course of instruction," from Modern
Latin encyclopaedia (c.1500), literally "training in a circle,"
i.e. the "circle" of arts and sciences, the essentials of a liberal
education; from enkyklios "circular," and paideia “education”.
According to some accounts such as the
American Heritage Dictionary copyists of Latin manuscripts took
this phrase to be a single Greek word, enkuklopaedia.
20m plunder v. production and human livestock, classical
Trivium as a system of creating production to be plundered… farming
21m Latin education and the Divine Right of Kings, organic
unity and feudalism, legitimizing the great chain of
being (methods of authority), using the battlefield and
education to subjugate individuals for lack of Knowledge.
22m Legitimizing the storyteller as the authority of the day,
group-think, authority to control human resources. Any citizen can
become an individual through learning habits of self-reliance
23m “Authorities” (educators, sophists) define the “Grammar” of the
Classical Trivium, thus making the “Logic” a belief, not an
understanding. No knowledge is necessary for belief, in fact belief
is often what fills the void created when Knowledge is absent.
24m Unified systems of knowledge, cybernetics and the ship of
state (Plato), first principles and common ground (Logic) necessary
for linguistic communication. The use of these ideologies to create
state systems.
25m Richard Haklyut
and Queen Elizabeth, propagating organic unity as “natural”, even
though it depends on people ruling over others. Scott Buchannan
papers from Harvard University, “Poetry and Mathematics” (foreshadowing
role of Rhodes Scholars)
Richard Hakluyt (c. 1552 or 1553 – 23 November 1616) was an
English writer. He is known for promoting the settlement of
North America by
the English through his works, notably Divers Voyages Touching
the Discoverie of America (1582) and The Principal
Navigations, Voiages, Traffiques and Discoueries of the English
Nation (1589–1600).
28m Origins of the systems which create and facilitate organic
unity, cybernetics, using the knowledge of self-learning to dissect
the history and identify the contradictions of our public
29m Gnostic Media interview with Gene Odening, how the human
being learns, removing the dogma from the process of learning for
one’s self
30m Asking substantial questions and using a method to find
valid answers consistently vs. the Classical Trivium (prescribed
“Grammar”, mandated “Logic”, rhetoric which reinforces
31m Isocrates and literacy as a form of slavery (i.e. sophism)
until the reader learns how to identify reality and remove
unreality (i.e. logic).
32m closed systems of learning to maintain the city-states,
aristocracy, and ruling class to manage the polity (public);
educating the kings, adopting education systems to gain power over
the polity, dichotomy of control, creating knowledge gaps to create
33m focus on significant and substantial, discard the
arbitrary, dismiss the irrational. Sayers’ biases and the basis of
Christian Homeschooling in America.
34m Sayers’ system as the “closest to the perfection of Plato’s
Republic” – Freemasonry
35m Christian Homeschooling and predefined grammar, infecting
the logic by not asking preliminary questions to identify that
which exists, reality from unreality (Sayers’ seeds of
36m History of Ideas in relation to the Trivium Method
contrasted to the Classical Trivium and the history of creating
organic unity
41m Ancient Greece, systems of preserving itself against
surrounding piranha states
42m Enkyklios Paideia created by Isocrates preserves organic
unity until Thomas Jefferson recognizes what it is, and what it
43m Scott
Buchanan and Stringfellow
Barr (Rhodes Scholars) and Freemasonry, origins of “Classical
Trivium” revival veiling the Enkyklios Paideia
44m filling in between Isocrates and the Freemasons, Jesuits
and the Ratio Studiorum,
which was rejected by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Ratio Studiorum
as continuation of organic unity under godhead of theology.
45m Thomas Jefferson (post-revolution) goes to William and Mary
and has the Classical Trivium removed from the curriculum, breaking
the mechanism of British perpetuation of their organic unity
46m Thomas Jefferson addressing the Educational Perennialists
of his day, accepting the theory before inspection, condemnation
prior to observation, “putting your logic before your grammar” as
Jan Irvin says
47m Education as a tool of creating culture, its how the state
reproduces itself, “reality” filtered through he prescribed
rhetoric of the state,
48m Ignatius
Loyola, Alumbrados, the
Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola as the origins of the
esoteric organic unity progressed by the Jesuits, various
flavors of organic unity (various empires through time), sacrifice
of the individual to the state
50m Bavarian
Illuminati as intellectual group fighting against organic unity
and divine right of kings in Europe. “Philo’s Reply to Questions
Concerning His Association with the Illuminati” Reply by Jeva Singh
Anand reveals the personal conversations between Adam Weishaupt
Baron von Knigge prior to Knigge’s resignation from the
Bavarian Illuminati and the promotion of revolutionary publisher
J.C. Bode.
51m Thomas Paine’s references to Samuel Prichard’s “Freemasonry
is based on the foundation of the Liberal Arts” quote, Illuminati
as a system trying to do away with the state, Isidore of
Seville and the creation of civil polity by limited
52m Bavarian
Illuminati vs. Religion and the State, Freemasonry as the
genitalia of the state and the injection of organic unity
throughout indigenous populations, Illuminati plans to use for the
state to reproduce itself via taking over Freemasonry.
55m Juxtaposing internet lore vs. actual artifacts and evidence
of the Bavarian Illuminati, similar to Jesuits in seeing value of
controlling education, 1610 Wood Manuscript (The
Hiram Key by Lomas and Knight)
56m Individual Liberty based on that which exists vs.
irrational illusions of Authority, Bonneville, Jefferson, and the
unknown history of Bavarian
Illuminati influence in America’s origins.
57m Social Circle Freemasonic Lodge, papers published by J.C.
Bode of the Bavarian Illuminati, promoted after Knigge’s
resignation, connections to Prussian
58m Johann Fichte’s references to Johann Pestalozzi’s organic
unity method of schooling and creation of the Prussian education
system, giving birth to Romantic Nationalism as opposed to the
Jeffersonian ideas of nationhood.
59m Milton Peterson’s works on Thomas Jefferson, rejection of
classical forms of the Trivium as being connected to the Great Chain of
Being, i.e. a caste society subjugating individuals to illusory
1h1m ideas of creating a balanced government based on first
principles subject to existence, not dogma; derivative proofs of
non-aggression undermined by changes in education system which
Jefferson feared, J.J. Rousseau, John Locke, The Meaning of
Meaning, particularity and universiality, from Charlemagne through
to the 21st Century.
1h5m Jefferson displacing the Classical Trivium at the
University of Virginia, Jefferson laments genocide of indigenous
languages and loss of etymology.
1h6m encryption of language enables selective power
1h8m how to preserve the first principles which inspired the
1h10m Ben Franklin’s education in the liberal arts and secret
1h11m parallels of Isocrates and Freemasonic organic unity,
“Builders of Empire” as blueprint for how Freemasonry assumes
authority throughout the world
1h14m philosophic corruptions of reality, claims of authority
break down under scrutiny and defined terms, taboo to discuss
because you might perceive the ruse of organic unity
1h15m Thomas Jefferson displaces classical Trivium as being
tied to the Great Chain of
1h16m Legacy of Alcuin of York, creating a duality in
Christianity, “othering” of the natural world, Basil Bernstein’s
work on the classical Trivium, Noah Webster, John Adams, Thomas
Paine, Emerson and Thoreau, Rousseau’s social contract, liberal
arts as chains of garland flung over reality, Bavarian
1h17m Epistemological cartoons instead of getting into the
details and artifacts, Techne (Technology) as a Craft to propel
Culture (see: Freemasonry), Thomas Paine quote on education and
knowledge of language vs. knowledge of things, Syntax and
Statecraft in history
1h19m Destutt De
Tracy: how to define and identify in order to think clearly and
progress to understanding
1h20m Prussian Nationalism, Hegel and the obsolescence of the
Divine Right of Kings and “Authority” in general, discovering that
life is not how we were taught it is as a result of the Prussian
education system changing America away from natural rights
1h21m systems of natural rights and state education are not
1h22m unitary education by congress is in direct contradiction
to the founding principles of America, collectivism, pre-amble
missing from Constitution, ambiguity therefore included
1h24m Classical Trivium imparting language without defense
against unreality, thus creates a system of control
1h25m without defense against unreality, society becomes skewed
and actions in conflict with needs of survival, as a result of
Enkyklios Paideia introduced into England by the Venetian Black
1h28m Wilhelm
Wundt and the “Clockwork
Orange” mentality of treating people as mechanical toys, to be
manipulated; and how asking questions is the key to circumventing
Wundtian control systems
1h30m Frederick the Great and the Gymnasium of Prussian
Education, Obama’s recent references to the value of Prussian
industrial training
1h31m John Taylor Gatto’s “Underground
History of American Education” referring to Prussian
indoctrination methods being used in America, Prussian principles
displace American first princples imparted in Constitution
1h32m Prussian education creates a strong nationalistic fervor,
at behest of “national” interest, parallels between Nazi Germany
and America today via the Prussian education system
1h33m Frederick the
Great, Freemasonry, Education, and Illuminati connections;
going after our youngest through compulsory schooling, creation of
schooling in America by secret societies
1h34m Frederick the Great May 1, 1786 creating constitutions of
Freemasonry, similar degrees to draw people into the Illuminati
plan by imitating Freemasonry
1h35m Reworking masonic texts to re-present the ideas to foment
revolution, Amis Reunis, Lodge of the Nine
Sisters, and the Social Circle, French Revolution, Congress of
Wilhelmsbad, Baron Knigge and the attempts to recruit powerful
figures into their stable of talent. Hegel, Herter, Mozart, Goethe,
Zeitgiest (spirit of the age)
1h36m origin myth of the Nine Muses / Nine Sisters lodge of
Freemasonry in France
1h38m Cecil
Rhodes and fellow Freemasons creating British organic unity via
a Secret Society based on the methods of the Jesuits (Ratio
1h39m Ben Franklin and the Lodge of the Nine Sisters,
representing the Nine Muses (9 liberal arts) as set down by
Capella, Destutt De Tracy, Voltaire members of the lodge,
Jefferson’s rejection of their first principles, Positive vs.
Negative origins of Government
1h40m Napoleon rejected the first principles as Jefferson did,
Destutt De Tracy deposed from his educational system, Grammar,
Logic, & Ideology (instead of rhetoric)
1h41m Jefferson’s own contradictions (not perfect) but noted
the success of America dependent on independence from British
linguistic controls
1h42m Cecil Rhodes and the Jesuits, organic
unitycommon to plans of monopoly, power, and empire, tracing
back to the Indian (of India) monitorial schools (pedagogical
control of group by authority at the front of the room), another
brick in the wall as the craft of masonry
Cecil John Rhodes PC,
DCL (5 July
1853 – 26 March 1902) was an English-born South African
businessman, mining magnate, and politician.
He was the founder of the diamond company De Beers, and an ardent
believer in British colonialism, he was the founder of the state of
Rhodesia, which was
named after him. He set up the provisions of the Rhodes
Scholarship, which is funded by his estate. Rhodes and his
legacy are memorialized in the 1966 textbook “Tragedy and Hope: A
History of the World in Our Time” by Dr. Carroll Quigley, professor
at Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service.
1h43m Cecil
Rhodes goal to change American Constitution to bring America
back under control of Britain by rings-within-rings, using Rhodes
Scholars to create organic
1h43m Cecil Rhodes plans grow roots in America, proliferating
Anglo-Saxon Nationalism (everyone else was a “barbarian”)
1h44m Equal rights only for “civilized” men (positive rights)
vs. natural rights inherent to all human beings
1h51m Rhodes Roundtable supports “Union Now”, via
Society, also seeking Organic Unity with Britain, origins of
Apartheid in South Africa, Jan Smuts and Wholism as the philosophy
of the British Empire (plunder rebranded as freedom)
1h52m “Union
Now” as a Fabian Society for Federalists to create organic
unity, Embers of World Conversation (Buchannan), origins of
The Great Books of the Western World with Richard McKeown
1h57m “Union Now” and the liberal education at St. John’s
University and the University of Chicago, Leo Strauss,
Neocons, Robert Maynard Hutchins, and the origins of the Great
Books of the Western World
1h58m Legacy of Cecil Rhodes, Pilgrims Society, RIIA, CFR, and
creating organic unity in America
1h59m Arthur Balfour,
Cecil Rhodes,
Baron Rothschild and Palestine; Pilgrims Society as
Anglo-American Alliance to usurp national government of the U.S.
vis a vis Organic Union
2h re-branding British Empire as part of organic unity and role
of St. John’s university in revival of the Classical Trivium within
the Anglo-American tradition.
2h3m Encyclopedia Britannica bought by William Benton vs. The
Great Books of the Western World, Benton worked with R. Gordon
Wasson, Bank of International Settlements
2h5m Benton and “Fat Man’s Class” sought to proliferate sophism
into the business community, Henry Luce’s support, “The
Romance of Commerce and Culture”, Walter Paepke,
importation of Prussian/German culture into business and politics,
boxing up our culture to bring concensus by de-individualizing and
holding conflicting thoughts is the norm.
2h7m Great Books of the Western World and Eugenics, signers of
the GBWW project (several Union Now supporters & Rhodes Scholars
among other collectivist groups seeking organic unity for
Anglo-Saxon Establishment power structures)
2h9m Society for the Cincinnatus and the ominous continuity of
these ideas,
Mirabeau as a member of the Social Circle, hereditary orders to
create organic unity, Walter Paepke as founder of the Aspen
Institute which funded the GBWW, founded on commemoration date of
Goethe, ex-Bavarian Illuminati; origin of Aspen’s popularity and
the Noble Lie
2h10m Leo Strauss at St. John’s University as a Scott Buchanan
2h11m GBWW to impart culture to common man, a scarcity not
circulated in 70 years, a legacy of organic unity being propagated
via Classical Trivium
2h12m Joseph S. Nye, Jr.
(Rhodes Scholar, Harvard), Power and Interdependence
2h16m David Rockefeller, Memoirs,
p. 505 quote, Admiral Chester
Ward on CFR quote from Barry Goldwater biography “With No
Apologies” chapter 33 “Our Non-Elected Rulers”
2h17m H.G.
Wells, Fabian Socialist, Open Conspiracy, Island
of Dr. Moreau, organic unity through Eugenics (see: G. Stanley
Hall quote on organic unity in “NEA: Trojan Horse”), erasing of
national borders, ethically responsible to control the many, “The
Shape of Things to Come” by H.G. Wells
H.G. Wells’ most consistent political ideal was the World
State. He stated in his autobiography that from 1900 onward he
considered a World State inevitable. He envisioned the state to be
a planned society that would advance science, end nationalism, and
allow people to progress by merit rather than birth. In 1932, he
told Young Liberals at the University of Oxford that progressive
leaders must become liberal fascists or enlightened Nazis in order
to implement their ideas.[35]In 1940, Wells published a book called
The New World Order that outlined his plan as to how a World
Government will be set up.
2h18m Technocracy to control the thoughts of the polity, C.K.
Ogden and I.A.
Richards “The
Meaning of Meaning”, imparting of Liberal Arts to create civil
polity, language as technology to control polity
2h20m Inherent rights (negative rights) vs. Positive Rights
(arcane laws of governance and authority),
“Fire in the Minds of Men” by James H. Billington (Rhodes
Scholar & Librarian of Congress), the need to preserve oral
traditions and the attack of our culture to manipulate our
perceptions, thus to create organic unity, the use of cybernetics
to wage psychological warfare, using the mind as the harness of
human resources, Stephen Biko “the
most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor are the minds of
the oppressed.”
2h22m Ludwig
Wittgenstein, I.A. Richards, and
manipulating language to control perceptions in cybernetics, Macy
Conferences of cybernetic applications, and “New Criticism” to
decontextualize historical documents, thus re-defining liberty by
separating literature from history. Rhodes/Milner Roundtable
participation in supporting “New Criticism” and decontextualizing
history to create organic unity; which evolved from the Prussian
Nationalism which preceded it.
2h25m Frank Aydelotte
(Rhodes Scholar) on Classical Trivium and Organic Unity, “spelling”
to use words to further “liberty” in British terms.
2h26m Lord Percy v. Thomas Jefferson,
2h27m Arnold Toynbee and analogical reasoning using the
Classical Trivium to promote British organic unity
2h30m Population Control, Eugenics, and the Rockefeller
“Science of Man” project rebranded as “molecular biology”, Linus Pauling’s
support of Lily Kay’s book, Mr. and Mrs. Pauling support “Union
Now” and other Anglo-American plans of unification, Delphi Technique of
mind control, managing consent, Walter
Rockefeller “Science of Man”, Edward Alsworth
Ross’ “Social Control”, mapping the individual to destroy
individuality, Lily Kay unmasks the eugenic agenda of the elites,
culling the polity to create organic unity. Artificial scarcity of
technology, planned economies (Agenda 21)
2h33m SUMMARY: By changing the terms and definitions throughout
history, the theme of controlling the polity by means of irrational
means has thus far been successful. Our voluntary servitude to
ideas which are unreality, continues to be the problem; learning
and asking substantial questions and finding valid answers
continues to be the solution.
2h34m Kevin Cole’s closing statement, the logic behind the
liberal arts education, slavery vs. free minds, the perpetuation of
organic unity throughout time to create slave vs. free dichotomy.
In America rights were inherent, not because you’re become a
subservient slave to the state.
Subtitled: A 5-hour
journey examining the history, root-causes, and consequences of
public schooling
The Ultimate History Lesson
comes in many forms and formats, click this photo to visit the UHL
store catalog.[/caption] Publication Date: 2012
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Each episode contains a subject of study essential to a comprehensive understanding of reality; all of which is focused on providing you with the historical lineage of the topic, as well as context, references, and the various methods and tools, so that you can learn for yourself… thus providing you with a service which public schools simply cannot afford to provide.
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