Apr 4, 2011
Peace Revolution episode 022: The Best Enemies Money Can Buy / The Arch which connects the 2 Pillars
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Team B: Team B was a competitive analysis exercise commissioned by the Central Intelligence Agency in the 1970s to analyze threats the Soviet Union posed to the security of the United States. Team B, approved by then Director of Central Intelligence George H. W. Bush, was composed of "outside experts" who attempted to counter the positions of intelligence officials within the CIA.[1] Team B concluded that the National Intelligence Estimate on the Soviet Union, generated yearly by the CIA, underestimated Soviet military power and misinterpreted Soviet strategic intentions. Its findings were leaked to the press shortly after Jimmy Carter's 1976 presidential election win in an attempt to appeal to anti-communists in both parties and not appear partisan.[2][3]
Neo-Conservative Cabal
1. Dr. Stanley Monteith interviewing Professor Antony Sutton:
a. The Best Enemies Money Can Buy (as excerpted in this episode)
b. Maj. George Racey / From Major Jordan’s Diaries (regarding provision of nuclear secrets to the Soviets, as mentioned by Sutton)
c. Antony Sutton playlists on YouTube
e. Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917–1930 (1968)
f. Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1930–1945 (1971)
g. Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1945–1965 (1973)
h. National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union by Antony Sutton (1973)
i. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony Sutton (1974)
j. Wall Street and FDR by Antony Sutton (1976)
k. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony Sutton (1976)
l. Trilaterals over Washington by Antony Sutton (1979)
m. America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony Sutton (1983)
n. How the Order controls education by Antony Sutton (1985)
i. Page 55 of this link
o. The Federal Reserve Conspiracy by Antony Sutton (1995)
2. The Century of the Self
a. YouTube (entire documentary)
b. Edward Bernays (as excerpted in episode)
3. The New American Century
a. YouTube (entire documentary)
b. “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” Sept 2001 PNAC strategy paper (pdf)
c. Zbigniew Brzezinski and Osama bin Laden in the 1970’s
d. Zbigniew Brzezinski in Afghanistan with Mujahedeen in 1970’s (video)
e. Zbigniew Brzezinski today
f. John Ellis “Jeb” Bush declares State of Emergency in FL, Sept 7, 2001
i. History Commons dot org (see: timeline ½ way down page)
4. Rumsfeld interviewed by Louis C.K. w/ Opie and Anthony
a. YouTube (entire interview)
b. YouTube (15 minute censored excerpt)
Peace Revolution partner podcasts:
Other productions by members of the T&H network:
Top Documentary Films dot com: Hijacking Humanity by Paul Verge (2006)
Top Documentary Films dot com: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010)
Top Documentary Films dot com: The Pharmacratic Inquisition by Jan Irvin (2007)
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